Thursday, March 20, 2008

Having fun being One!

So, I'm back. I have had to hire a new typist, Daddy has been busy working or something. I know that all my fans are pounding on the door for me to write a new post, now that I'm one and all. I have been busy, lots of work to do. (I'm so glad that play time is work to a kid my age)

Mom and Dad better not catch us, that's their good wine and Rufus has already been banned from anything with wires.

Now. that I am one, Mommy thinks that I need to learn how to be a big kid, She's been taking me to all sorts of places and teaching me about new things.

Mommy, fish are slimey and wet, I don't think that I like them.

She is always making me go play-fun-play.

Doesn't she realize that I have work to do.

I need a snack break and to say, "Hi" to my fans.
My favorite words are,"hi" or "bye" depending on if we are coming or going.

So, a few days ago it was St.Patrick's day, next weekend is Easter and it's spring.
We have some partying to do.

So this why you "play in the dirt."

These smell yummy.

I really like to pick the flowers, Mommy do you want the purple one?

Come on guys, I am ready to play! Lets Go!!!

This is fun!

Mommy, I'm not ready to do this by myself .

I love the swing!!!

Uncle Jerry wants me to go down, I think I like the veiw from the top

I'm not too sure about thisI think I want to do it again, and again

This is getting complicated! So you mean that you have to put the green ones together and listen at the same time?

I think that I'm better at just being cute. Here are some of my tips

Get lots of exercise

share your food with your brother, helps cut calories

I have a new beauty tip for all my fans

-go completely all natural for your skin and haircare

It's peanut butter!!!

I told you that I would look beautiful!!

It's tough being so gorgeous!

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